We donate our profits to Catholic organizations.
Here are some examples of who “The Word is Catholic” has helped.
High School Pro-Life Ministry
The Word Is Catholic has been extremely generous to the Campus Ministry of McGill-Toolen Catholic High School and its Pro-Life outreaches. Donations have helped students attend retreats, hear nationally-recognized speakers, experience the National March for Life, and most importantly encounter Jesus Christ. At McGill-Toolen we are grateful for not only the awesome design, but for the great support “The Word Is Catholic” has shown to us!
Trey Krause, Campus Ministry Program, McGill-Toolen Catholic High School, Mobile, AL
McGill-Toolen Catholic High School
We are so grateful to be beneficiaries of the proceeds through the sale of The Word is Catholic items. The funds donated have helped students travel to Washington, DC to attend the March for Life, helped provide professional development opportunities for our faculty, supported many student organizations including our five-time State Championship Physics Team, our award winning literary magazine, Ingenium, and our Pro-Life and Pride Clubs. We are proud to partner with The Word is Catholic and to make their items available for purchase in our Campus Store.
Kim Dunne, Director of Advancement, McGill-Toolen Catholic High School, Mobile, AL
Catholic School Scholarships
The Word is Catholic is a generous supporter and partner of the St. Augustine Scholarship Fund at McGill-Toolen Catholic High School in Mobile, Alabama. The St. Augustine Scholarship Fund was established in 2018 through the McGill-Toolen Foundation to assist selected incoming freshmen with tuition. To qualify, students must meet standards of academic achievement, be involved in community service and show a commitment to the Catholic faith as well as demonstrate a financial need. Scholarships are offered to the children of those who serve the Catholic community such as Catholic school teachers, first responders, and active duty military, as well as, children of McGill-Toolen Catholic alumni and Aquinas scholars.
Jenna Wood, Executive Director, McGill-Toolen Foundation, Mobile, AL
Local Catholic Radio
Here at Archangel Radio (WNGL 1410 AM) we have been grateful to use as fundraisers THE WORD IS CATHOLIC bumper stickers, magnets, and T-shirts. Not only were they great aids in helping our Catholic radio station meet its bi-annual pledge drive goals, but they also served as a wonderful evangelization tool within our community.
Missy Schmidt, Community Relations/Development for Archangel Radio, Fairhope, AL
Thanks to proceeds from sales of The Word is Catholic merchandise, we were able to help send the youth of our parish to Ecuador and Guatemala for a life changing mission trip. Being able to send our Lifeteen group on these trips is what The Word is Catholic is all about. The goal of this incredible brand that celebrates our faith is to give back to our community and to evangelize. We were so thankful to be one of the first groups to partner with them and directly benefit from sales of a product our parishioners love!
Anthony Tobin, Director of Youth Ministry, St. Ignatius Parish, Mobile, AL
Middle School Pro-Life Groups
Lifesavers is the Junior Pro-Life Club at St. Ignatius Parish, whose purpose is prayer, education and service focusing on building a Culture of Life. “The Word Is Catholic” has helped us raise money by providing us with merchandise for our fundraisers. They also helped us design a Pro-Life car magnet which has been very popular in our parish and city. We are proud to partner with “The Word Is Catholic” to spread our message of “Choose Love” over choice. Every life matters!
Caroline McDonald, Director of Lifesavers, St. Ignatius Parish, Mobile, AL